He who keeps steadily on without pausing, will reach the end of his path and the summit of perfection.---ST. TERESA.

Today (December 29), I became a priest cooperator of Opus Dei (主業會). Today, and each year on December 29 I can obtain a Plenary Indulgence. Let’s keep the apostolic of Opus Dei in our prayers.

I am very glad that www.fatheranthonyho.com is back to work again.

On December the 28, we remember the Holy Innocents. Yesterday, we had a few “holy innocents” in our parish. Both Fr. Vince & I had the joy to do 2 Baptisms yesterday. Welcome to the big family of the Holy Catholic Church, you little ones of God.

Yesterday was the Feast of the Holy Family. The theme of my preaching was fulfilling the Will of God.

The key to harmony within oneself and family is doing the Will of God Insisting doing our own will and getting our own way at all times is not going to bring us true happiness If you wish to be pleasing to God and happy here below, be in all things united to His will.---ST. ALPHONSUS. Both Our Lady & Abraham accepted the Will of God without knowing exactly the the “How” and the “When”.

Holy Family B (Chinese).mp3

Holy Family B (English).mp3

In proportion as the love of God increases in our soul, so does also the love of suffering.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.


December 29 is the Feast of St. Thomas Becket (+1170):

On the way to the ordination [as Archbishop] Thomas charged his faithful friend, Herbert of Bosham: “Hereafter, I want you to tell me, candidly and in secret, what people are saying about me. And if you see anything in me that you regard as a fault, feel free to tell me in private.

Our faith must have these 4 qualities: 1. Universal; 2. Firm; 3. Lively; and 4. Constant.

Q1. When is our faith ‘universal’ (全信)?

Q2. When is our faith ‘firm’ (堅信)?

Q3. When is our faith ‘lively’ (有生命的信德)?

Q4. when is our faith ‘constant’ (持久的信)?

What I am basically asking is to define the 4 qualities of faith.

Please use the comments section to answer the questions. Answers will be posted automatically on next Sunday, January 4, at 3 AM Vancouver time.

If you wish to be pleasing to God and happy here below, be in all things united to His will.---ST. ALPHONSUS.


Quote for the Feast of Holy Family:

Joseph had to work at his trade to earn a living; even the divine hands toiled at the artisan’s calling. Surely then we need not wonder that wise men who were rich, cast their wealth aside willingly, and chose poverty in company with Jesus, Mary and Joseph.---POPE LEO XIII.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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