As I am leaving Corpus Christi soon, this is the time to say good-bye to the different parish groups and to ensure that the programs I have started will carry on.

Last night the Chinese Family Rosary Group held a pot-luck farewell dinner for me. This group was started by Sister Helen Hong, and I believe this is the most successful group in the whole Corpus Christi Parish. The key of success for this group is "good people". It is from this group that I obtained the necessary supports and man-power to begin different new programs in the past two years.

This afternoon we had our last gathering of the Queen of Angels Youth& Children Group before our summer vacation. I started this group almost 5 months ago with the help of a group of volunteers, a number of whom from the Family Rosary Group.

This evening we had Mass at Corpus Christi in honor of Saint Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei. Archbishop Miller was the main celebrant. There were 10 of us priests concelebrating. I was specially glad to see my confessor, Father Joseph Soria tonight. Last month, Father Soria was very sick in the hospital. His recover was like a miracle. We were all very happy to see him celebrating with us.

Saint Josemaria Escriva taught us the universal call to holiness.

Yesterday was the last day of school. This year four of us staff (the principal, teacher, TA, and myself) are leaving Corpus Christi. At the end of the school Mass, the four of us came forward and the students sing a blessing song over us. All four of us had a hard time hold back our tear. It's not easy to say good-bye!!!

Yesterday early afternoon, we had a funeral for Clara Lau, a wonderful grandmother. Her children and grandchildren are very active at Corpus Christi Parish.

Today is the second meeting of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Prayer Group. This group is the smallest of the three Prayer Groups I am leading. We have about 25 members, and we meet at a private home twice a month on Monday morning. Many of the members are new Catholics whom I instructed and baptized in the past two years. As a catechist, I firmly believe that follow-up after Baptism is very important. Our meeting lasts 1 hour 30 mintues.

As Chaplain of Hospital, you can experience both joy and sorrow on the same day. This morning I received phone call from the dad of the 15 years old girl whom I baptized last Friday, he told me that she had already passed away. This afternoon I had the joy to see the parents of the baby girl, whom I baptized also at Children Hospital on May 1st. They come to give thanks to God for giving the baby health.

Quite a number of people suggested me to post my Sunday Sermons on-line. Here it is, I hope it will help you spiritually. This Sunday, I preached on witnessing for Christ by prayer, teaching, and good example.

I just set up two Photo Albums. One is for Easter Baptism & my Birthday; another one is for my Ordiantion Anniverary. This is my first time doing it. It takes so long.....

This evening we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Ordination of our pastor, Fr. Michael. We had Mass at 6 pm. Followed by pot-luck dinner. It was a good celebration. Let's pray for Fr. Michael, and pray for vocation to the Priesthood.

Last night, I was called to the Children Hospital around mid-night to baptize a 15 years old girl with Pneumonia. She was in a coma, and was not doing well. I also gave her the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Anointing of the Sick. Please pray for the girl and her family in this difficult time.

I am happy to set up this new Blog.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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