Programs at Corpus Christi
As I am leaving Corpus Christi soon, this is the time to say good-bye to the different parish groups and to ensure that the programs I have started will carry on.
Last night the Chinese Family Rosary Group held a pot-luck farewell dinner for me. This group was started by Sister Helen Hong, and I believe this is the most successful group in the whole Corpus Christi Parish. The key of success for this group is "good people". It is from this group that I obtained the necessary supports and man-power to begin different new programs in the past two years.
This afternoon we had our last gathering of the Queen of Angels Youth& Children Group before our summer vacation. I started this group almost 5 months ago with the help of a group of volunteers, a number of whom from the Family Rosary Group.
Last night the Chinese Family Rosary Group held a pot-luck farewell dinner for me. This group was started by Sister Helen Hong, and I believe this is the most successful group in the whole Corpus Christi Parish. The key of success for this group is "good people". It is from this group that I obtained the necessary supports and man-power to begin different new programs in the past two years.
This afternoon we had our last gathering of the Queen of Angels Youth& Children Group before our summer vacation. I started this group almost 5 months ago with the help of a group of volunteers, a number of whom from the Family Rosary Group.