August 28, the Feast of St. Augustine. I spent the day with my sister Amiee visiting old friends......

Uncle Tam, Aunt Wong, myself, Aunt Tam, my sister

My Confirmation student & my sister's schoolmate

In the evening, I celebrated Mass @ a Chinese parish, and heard Confessions for some of the volunteers of ECCCLC......

After Mass & Confession, we went out for food......

We are looking forward to ECCCLC. The camp will be from Friday evening to Monday afternoon. After the camp, I will post photos & audio of ECCCLC to Blogger. Please keep us in your prayer.

Tomorrow, I will be going to Toronto for Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC). I will be the speaker for this camp. This camp is for young Chinese Catholics (age 17 to 35). There will be around 200 participants. For more information about the camp please visit......


I was planning the talks for the camp this morning. I will give 3 major talks during the camp.

Last evening, one of my private prayer groups (Hearts of Jesus and Mary Prayer Group) met @ St. Pat. About 40 people came for the meeting. I gave the members a talk on the spiritual life in Cantonese. Here is the audio link....

MP3 talk in Chinese

I talked about the importance of Contrition, and the qualities of a good contrition. I gave a similar talk to my English Prayer Group last Monday. Here is the link to my older post for that meeting........

Yesterday, I preached on the Papacy. We Catholics needed to be united in: 1. Doctrine, 2, Worship, and 3. Moral.

1. Doctrine: I explained the necessity of "Development of Doctrine", and I encouraged the faithful to learn about the Faith by reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium.

2. Worship: I gave examples of how the Pope exercised his authority in matters of worship in recent years. And I encouraged the faithful to follow this year's theme: Year of St. Paul.


Today, I had the joy to celebrate Mass for the c o-workers of Missionary of Charity. I was happy to see the nuns and to eat lunch with the co-workers. I preached on the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I summed up devotion to the Immaculate Heart with 3 C's

1. Consecration

2. Contemplation

3. Charity

Consecration: We pray Act of Consecration & Daily Offering to give all that we are and all that we have to Our Lady. We entrust our works and projects to her maternal protection.

Today is the last day of Camp Leprechaun. I gave the young people a summary of all the Catechism Lessons from Day 1 to Day 9. Here is the audio link to my 13 minutes summary lesson......

Summary of Catechism Lessons

Group Pictures........

Today, the young people learnt about the 4 Last Things.......





4 Last Things

I also shared with the young people about some of the things which I have learnt about Purgatory by reading the book: An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory.....

The young people had a fun day here @ St. Pat today......

I had quite a full day today. This morning I had 2 Masses. I gave the Catechism lesson to the young people after the 2nd Mass. I spent the day with the young people @ Science World. In the afternoon we came back. I did my private prayers, spent a few moments uploading pictures to the blog. From 6 to 7 pm, I led the Novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Help & gave Benediction. At 7 pm I had to give a Baptismal Preparation lesson to the couples & godparents, whose babies will be baptized soon.

Today, the young people learnt about the 4 Marks of the Church, and the Communion of Saints.

The 4 Marks of the Church are:

1. One (one in Faith, Sacrifice, Sacramental System & Head)

2. Holy (Holy Founder: Jesus, holy teachings, means to holiness & holy members: saints) 

3. Catholic (universal: include people from all time & place; preach to all nations all the truths)


Today, the young people learnt about the Church. Both the words "church" & "school" can refer to both people & building. The school has 2 groups of people: teachers & students. The Church also has 2 groups of people: clergy & faithful. Students learn from teachers & the faithful learn from the clergy. The head of the school is the principal & the head of the Church is the Pope.

The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. Christ is the Head of the Body, we are the members.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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