Today's Readings remind us of our duties to obey God with actions. Quite often, "Believe" is easier than "Behave". It's easy to serve God with our lips, but it's more difficult to serve God with actions. This is the topic of my sermon today. You can listen to my sermon (in English or Chinese) from my last 2 posts below. Or you can download from my site:


I usually got ideas for my sermons from a set of books called "The Word of God". This set is from India. There are 4 volumes: 3 volumes for the 3 years Sundays cycle, and 1 volume for Feast Days. When I was a seminarian, I was searching all over the place for the best resource book for Sunday Sermons, and this set is by far the best.

My English Sermon for Today

A 26 (Eng).mp3

My Chinese Sermon for Today

A 26 (Chinese).mp3

This evening we celebrated the Feast of St. Lorenzo Ruiz at our parish.

My Pastor & I.....

St. Lorenzo was half Filipino, half Chinese. Here we are, a Filipino priest & me, a Chinese priest...

This afternoon, I returned to Corpus Christi for the Queen of Angels Youth & Children Group. We made rosaries today.....

The snacks look good!!!!

I taught the children the 3 attributes of the Catholic Church:




Authority: The mother church of the diocese is the "Cathedral". The word "cathedral" came from the word "cathedra". It is a Greek word means "a seat of authority". It is the seat of the Bishop.

This morning I taught Chinese RCIA @ St. Pats. The topics were: Creation, Divine Providence, Angels, & Devil.

Here is the broad with Chinese characters....


Creation - Out of NOTHING

Divine Providence: (God knows all things & has the power to direct all things)

Animals, plants & other dead objects are directed by God out of necessity.

Angels & Men can be willingly & freely choose to be directed by God.

In the beginning, God created heaven & earth...

6 Days of Creation.....

Today, I had the joy of being paged by the mom, whose 3 babies I baptized last year @ the hospital.

I remember it was one of the most emotional experiences I had as a priest. Just the day before I met the mom, I was called to the same hospital for another mom, to baptize her twins who were dying. I baptized & confirmed the 1st one soon after his birth. But  2nd one suffocated during birth, and I needed to instruct the grandmother over the phone to conditionally baptize him.

This is my favourite time in the Sanctoral Cycle of the Liturgical Year. In these 12 days (September 26 to October 7), there is something to celebrate each day.

In the Liturgical Year, there are 2 cycles: the Temporal Cycle & the Sanctoral Cycle:

The Temporal (temporal = time) Cycle is the cycle or recurring series of the main times or seasons of the Church year: (Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Passiontide, Eastertide, Pentecost, Season of the Year, i.e. Ordinary Time).

American Papist Blog is very informative. It is maintained by a very intelligent lay Catholic, Thomas Peters.


Thomas wrote a post concerning my blog on yesterday, September 25th .The title of the post is "Your local priest's blog". At the comments of the post, readers also shared other blogs maintained by priests.

There are actually many Catholic blogs around the world (more than 1,500). The following sites have directories to these blogs.....

There is a beautiful video @ YouTube on ECCCLC 08. Being the speaker of this event is an unforgettable experience......
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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