Finally!!! It had arrived!!! My new Roman Vestment! This is the 8th & my last Roman Vestment. This is the Rose one. And now my collection is complete!!!

I am keeping the Roman Vestments @ my former parish, Corpus Christi, because I am still saying the Chinese Sunday Mass there. Sometimes, I also say Mass there on special occasions, like wedding or funeral. Here are my other 7 Roman Vestments…

I like Roman Vestments (Fiddleback) because when I was an altar boy in Hong Kong, my pastor (@ St. Jude’s, North Point, H.K.), Fr. Mak, wore fiddlebacks for weekday Masses. When I became a priest 2 years ago, my interest on fiddleback was re-enkindled by this post from a blog. So I started to purchase them bit-by-bit.

I also have a good collection of Gothic Vestments here at St.

I felt like Moses this morning when I did my classroom visitations at St. Pats Elementary. I was holding 2 big icons (not 2 tablets!!!). I talked about different kinds of saints: Apostles, Martyrs, Pastors, Doctors, virgins, Holy Men, & Holy Women. Priests wear red (symbol of Holy Spirit, blood, love, & victory) vestments for Apostles & Martyrs. They wear white (symbol of purity, light, & joy) for the other saints.

The icons I brought were from Russia.

Could you guess who am I? Look at the other picture. We took it in 2001, and we stood in the reverse order…

I was a seminarian at the time & my cousin was a nun of the Dominicans of St. Cecilia in the U.S. My cousin & I were baptized together on Easter Sunday 1976. Now I am a priest & she is a nun: Sr. Mary Jacinta Li.

Today, I gave 2 talks (+ 1 sermon) on the importance of the interior/spiritual life.

The Gospel at Mass this morning (Luke 13:10-17) was about Jesus healed a crippled woman. The crippled woman is a symbol of sinful humanity being earth bounded, and cannot look up to Heaven. We all need the healing power of Jesus in order to be detached from earthly things, and be attached to God.

But we need to cooperate with Jesus by being serious about our interior life. There are 3 things we should do:


The theme of this Sunday's Gospel is Love. You can hear me sermons @ my last 2 posts below. I preached on loving God & loving others.

Love God:

"The measure of loving god is, to love without measure." (St.

I had quite a youthful day today. This morning I had Chinese RCIA. I now have 8 non-Catholics in my class. Half of them are younger than me. It is quite a youthful class. The topic of the class was "The Church".

My sister put this up on facebook a while ago. On the photo are my sister, my 4 cousins (1 is now a nun), & myself.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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