Q: What is meant by the term “heaven”?


Q: What is “life everlasting”?

A: Eternal life is that life which begins immediately after death. It will have no end. It will be preceded for each person by a particular judgment at hands of Christ who is the Judge of the living and the dead. This particular judgment will be confirmed in the final judgment.

Nov. 29: I am now in Victoria, Vancouver Island. Today, I will serve the Chinese Catholics here by hearing Confessions, giving talks, & celebrating Chinese Mass. Please say a prayer for the Chinese community here.

The reason why so many souls who apply themselves to prayer are not inflames with God's love is, that they neglect to carefully prepare themselves for it.---ST. TERESA.

Q: What is “life everlasting”?


Q: If every one has to be judged by Jesus Christ in particular judgment after death, why must all be judged in the general judgment?

A: We must all be judged in the general judgment for several reasons:

1. That God may be glorified (all shall know how justly God governs the world, even though here on earth the good are often afflicted and the wicked are often in prosperity)


We should blush for shame to show so much resentment at what is done or said against us, knowing that so many injuries and affronts have been offered to our Redeemer and the saints.---ST TERESA.

I had a very busy day today. I had Mass @ St. Pat'’s this morning, then I helped teaching the Chinese RCIA @ CC. After that  I went to say Mass @ nursing home. I offered the Mass for the eternal rest of my high school teacher, who died of cancer yesterday. Then I went to the Women’s Hospital to visit a lady who is expecting a baby. After that  I attended the Spiritual Care Department meeting of the B.C. Women’s & Children’s Hospitals.

Q: If every one has to be judged by Jesus Christ in particular judgment after death, why must all be judged in the general judgment?


Q: What are the qualities of the risen bodies of the just? (What will the risen bodies of the just be like?)

The qualities of the risen bodies of the just are:

1. Impassibility, by which they can never again be subject to evil, nor to any kind of pain, nor to need of food, of rest or the like;


He who truly loves his neighbor and can not efficaciously assist him, should strive at least to relieve and help him by his prayers.---ST. TERESA.

An extra quote for your inspiration:

I am giving you three ways of exercising mercy toward your neighbor: the first---by deed, the second---by word, the third---by prayer. In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for Me.---OUR LORD to ST. FAUSTINA KOWALSKA.

Look @ what I wrote on the board tonight, and guess what topic did I taught…

Finally, with the help of the instructions given to me by Teresa Poon through e-mail, I am able to put some Chinese characters up @ my blog. See my profile & welcome message for my Chinese name: 何庭耀神父

Here are 2 Chinese hymns in honor of Our Lady. The 1st one is in Mandarin & the 2nd one is in Cantonese.

Q: What are the qualities of the risen bodies of the just? (What will the risen bodies of the just be like?)


Q: WHY will our bodies rise from the dead?

A: God wills the resurrection of the body, in order that the soul, having done good or evil while united with the body, may also be rewarded or punished along with it.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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