The truth of faith alone, deeply graven in the soul, is sufficient to encourage us to very perfect works; for it strengthens man and increases his charity.---ST. TERESA.


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After the news of lifting the  excommunication of SSPX Bishops last week. Now we have another exciting news on Christian Unity. This time is about the possibility of about 400,000 Traditional Anglicans joining the Catholic Church!!!

Here is the news.

Here is a post from Creative Minority Report Blog.

Here is a post from The American Catholic Blog.

I hope the news will come true.

The upright intention is the soul of our actions. It gives them life and makes them good.---ST. ALPHONSUS.


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Shun useless conversation. We lose by it both time and the spirit of devotion.---ST. THOMAS AQUINAS.


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Here is a table on the topic of “The Church” for my Thursday High School Class & Tuesday Baptism Class.

A closer view….

Today I taught the 3 children preparing for Baptism the 1st Commandment of God. Here is the table:

The children wanted to be on picture as well, so the mom  took a photo of us….

Here are the Vocabularies from the Table:

Apostasy means completely leaving the faith of Christ to profess a non-Christian religion or none at all.

I visited classrooms again this morning. This time the stories are about the expansion of the Saint’s works. Enjoy!!!

You can download the talk here.

You can download & listen to the other talks here.

God gives each one of us sufficient grace ever to know His holy will, and to do it fully.---ST. IGNATIUS.


January 27th is the Feast of St. Angela Merici.

Mothers of children, even if they have a thousand, carry each and every one fixed in their hearts, and because of the strength of their love they do not forget any of them. In fact, it seems that the more children they have the more their love and care for each one is increased.


Today is Chinese New Year. I wish you all a blessed & peaceful year of the ox.

These couple days I celebrated Chinese New Year with my RCIA students and prayer group members.

Here are some main points of my sermon:

The grace of God caused St. Paul to convert. We should not give up on anyone, but trust in the powerful grace of God. Some people are too difficult to win over by words and arguments, we should win them by prayers and sacrifices. This was how St. Stephen won St. Paul over. God let St. Paul realized his own helplessness & sinfulness. We too should admit our own weakness & sins, and rely on the grace & mercy of God. St. Paul accepted helps from others.

God is supreme strength, fortifying those who place their trust and confidence in Him.---ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.


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Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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