He who is resigned to the divine will shall always surmount the difficulties he meets with in the service of God. The Lord will accomplish His designs concerning him.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

Itinerary of the Day:

7:30 AM Breakfast.

9:00 AM Check-out and bring luggage to bus.

9:15 AM Depart from Holiday Inn Hotel.

10:30 AM Chinese Mass at

Sanctuary of St. Anthony of Padua.

10:45 AM English Mass at

Sanctuary of St. Anthony of Padua.

11:30 AM Visit the museums of the

Sanctuary of St. Anthony of Padua.

7:30 PM Arrival to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Oropa, Biella.

8:00 PM Dinner at the Sanctuary’s Guesthouse.

He who cheerfully endures contempt and is happy under crosses and affliction, partakes of the humility and sufferings of Our Lord.---ST. MECHTILDIS.

Itinerary of the Day:

7:00 AM Breakfast.

8:30 AM Depart for the City of Venice.

10:00 AM Visit the Basilica of St. Mark.

12:00 noon Walk through the Rialto Bridge,

the Sigh Bridge and free time.

2:00 PM Visit Murano Island where Venetian Glass is famous for its blow


3:15 PM Visit the beautiful Dominican Church of Sts. John and Paul.

The first degree of humility is the fear of God, which we should constantly have before our eyes.---VEN. LOUIS DE BLOIS.

Itinerary of the Day:

6:15 AM English Mass at the Sanctuary of Padre Pio.

7:30 AM Breakfast.

8:40 AM Visiting the Monastery of Padre Pio

and Basilica of our Lady of Grace.

11:00 AM Free time.

12:00 noon Back to Pilgrim House for check out and bring luggage to bus.

12:30 PM Lunch.

1:15 PM Depart from Pilgrim House for Loreto.

The deceitful charms of prosperity destroy more souls than all the scourges of adversity.---ST. BERNARD.

Itinerary of the Day:

7:30 AM Breakfast.

8:40 AM Check-out and have your luggage down.

9:00 AM Depart from hotel to Lanciano.

2:00 PM English Mass

at the sanctuary at the Eucharistic Miracle in Lanciano.

2:30 PM Chinese Mass

at the sanctuary at the Eucharist Miracle in Lanciano.

4:00 PM Depart for San Giovanni Rotondo and Holy Cave of St. Michael

where St.

It's very difficult to upload photos here in Italy. Here are 3 photos. Will share more when we get back to Vancouver. Will keep you all in my prayers. God bless.

Do not disturb yourself with vain curiosity concerning the affairs of others, nor how they conduct themselves, unless your position makes it your duty to do so.---VEN. LOUIS DE BLOIS.

Itinerary of the Day:

6:30 AM Depart for St. Peter’s Basilica for Holy Mass.

7:15 AM English and Chinese Masses at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican.

8:00 AM Pray at the tomb of the Apostle and tomb of Pope John Paul II.

8:30 AM Depart back to hotel.

8:45 AM Breakfast.

9:45 AM Depart for Vatican Museum.

As patience leads to peace, and study to science, so are humiliations the path that leads to humility.---ST. BERNARD.

Itinerary of the Day:

7:00 AM Breakfast.

8:40 AM Depart for the Basilica of St. Mary Major.

9:00 AM Visit the Basilica of St. Mary Major.

9:40 AM Pray Redemptorist Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

across the street.

10:00 AM Doing penance at the Holy Stairs (Scala Santa).

11:00 AM English and Chinese Masses in St. John Lateran Basilica, the

Pope’s Cathedral.

Sanctity and perfection consist not in fine words, but in good actions.---BL. HENRY SUSO.

Itinerary of the Day:

7:00 AM Breakfast.

8:15 AM Please have your luggage ready – move hotel day.

9:00 AM Depart from the Sisters’ Convent.

9:45 AM Pray at the Quo Vadis Church.

10:20 AM Visit the Minor Basilica of St. Sebastian.

11:00 AM Guided visit at the Catacomb of St. Callixtus.

12:30 PM Lunch.

2:00 PM Check-in our new hotel.

He who fails to reflect before acting, walks with his eyes shut and advances with danger. He also falls very often, because the eye of reflection does not enable him to see whither his footsteps lead.---ST. GREGORY THE GREAT.

Itinerary of the Day:

7:00 AM Breakfast.

8:15 AM Depart for

Papal Audience.

10:30 AM Papal Audience – please bring

any religious articles to be blessed.

12:00 noon Depart for Tivoli.

1:45 PM Visit the Garden and Fountains of Tivoli.

During life despise that which will avail you nothing at the hour of death.---ST. ANSELM.

Itinerary of the Day:

6:30 AM Breakfast.

7:30 AM Depart for today’s visits.

8:00 AM Visit the Basilica of St. Peter’s Chain,

Minor Basilica of Holy Cross of

Jerusalem – relics of the True Cross,

Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence Outside

the Wall, Marmertine Prison of St. Paul

and St. Peter.

11:15 AM Buffet Lunch.

12:30 PM Depart for Assisi.

2:30 PM Visit and pray at the Portiuncula

where St.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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