Know that of all devotions the most pleasing to Mary is to have frequent recourse to her, asking for favors.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

Today is my 3rd Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood.

O Priest! thou art not thyself, because thou art God; thou art not of thyself, because thou art the servant and minister of Christ; thou art not thine own, because thou art the spouse of the Church; thou art not for thyself, because thou art the mediator between God and man; thou art not from thyself, because thou art nothing. What then art thou, O Priest? Nothing and everything. O Priest! take care lest what was said to Christ on the Cross be said to thee: He saved others, himself he cannot save. -St.

In your charity, please pray for this baby girl whom I baptized this week in the hospital.

May the Lord give her strength and health.

Let the name of Mary be ever on your lips, let it be indelibly engraven on your heart. If you are under her protection, you have nothing to fear; if she is propitious, you will arrive at the part of salvation.---ST. BERNARD.

Let us have recourse to Mary; for of all creatures she is the highest, the purest, the most beautiful, and the most loving.---BL. HENRY SUSO.

When the devil wishes to make himself master of a soul, he seeks to make it give up devotion to Mary.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

Each of our days is marked with the protection of Mary, who is exceedingly anxious to be our Mother, when we desire to be her children.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.


This is the talk I gave last night and this morning to my 2 Chinese prayer groups. I will be leaving for priests retreat this evening after my English prayer group. So I will upload the talk in English and type the outline later after the retreat.

As a mother feels no disgust in dressing the sores of her child, so Mary, the heavenly infirmarian, never refuses to care for sinners who have recourse to her.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

Jesus, before He ascended into Heaven, commanded the disciples to baptize.

Today I am grateful to be able to carry out this command of the Lord by baptizing a little baby boy.

This afternoon we had 1st Communion at St. Patrick’s. Because my pastor was not feeling well, I was asked to be the main celebrant of the Mass.

There were lots of photo taking after the Mass. 

Here is my Sermon for the 1st Communion Mass.

Let us highly esteem devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and let us lose no opportunity of inspiring others with it.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

Today, we pray especially for the Church in China.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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