Fr. Z shared this interesting video at his blog.

Strive always to preserve freedom of spirit, so that you need do nothing with the view of pleasing the world, and that no fear of displeasing it will have power to shake your good resolutions.---VEN. LOUIS DE BLOIS.


It’s always a joy to welcome someone into the Catholic Church.

May the good Lord guide and lead this little one on the road of holiness.

These videos are short, but thoughts provoking!!!

This site informs us of the reality of abortion:

Whilst here below our actions can never be entirely free from negligence, frailty, or defect; but we must not throw away the wheat because of the chaff.---VEN. JOHN TAULER.

Here is a vocational video about the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. Both my cousin (Sister Mary Jacinta Li) and my good friend (Sister Mary Janet Yu) are on the video.

Here is another beautiful (longer version) vocational video of the community.

A man of prayer is capable of everything. He can say with St. Paul, “I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me.”---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

The world around us is, as it were, a book written by the finger of God; every creature is a word on the page. We should apply ourselves well to understand the signification of the volume.---VEN. BARTHOLOMEW OF MARTYRS.

Saint Josemaria Escriva, pray for us.

2 good friends of mine are going to undergo major operations. One is going to be on Friday, and the other is going to be on next Tuesday. These 2 friends also attended my Chinese prayer group. I specially asked my prayer group members to remember them in your prayers. Thank you.

Mary, Health of the Sick, Prayer for us.

If the love of God is in your heart, you will understand that to suffer for God is a joy to which all earthly pleasures are not to be compared.---ST. IGNATIUS.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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