It suffices not to perform good works; we must do them well, in imitation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it is written, “He doeth all things well.”---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

I really like this Saintly Quote. It reminds me of a number of holy priests I have met. Especially Father Donald Neumann who died on September 6th, 2003.

Vancouver is still under the heat wave. It’s very hot outside. Today I spent most of the time in quiet prayer & writing articles for Pax Sinica. The B.C. Catholic is having a summer break now, the next issue will be August 24th. I am now a bit ahead of schedule, and am already working on the article for September 14th.  While I was praying and thinking about the articles, I felt that the Pax Sinica is like a “big pulpit” for me to preach to many people in both Chinese and English.

This is an amazing and great 9-minute video worth watching.

This evening (under the heat wave), we gathered at St. Mary, and listened to a wonderful presentation by Jeff Cavins on “The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving”.

Here are some things  I have learned this evening:

When faced with the battle of real life, praise should goes first. To praise God, we must know Him and His plan. Along with praise, we should have a thankful heart like Our Lady.  Here are some “pointers” to  praise & thanksgiving:


They who voluntarily commit sin show a contempt for life eternal, since they willingly risk the loss of their soul.---ST. GREGORY THE GREAT.

When you covet that which delights you, think not only of the sweet moments of enjoyments, but of the long season of regret which must follow.---ST. BERNARD.

Today I preached about right attitude towards the works of God, and right attitude towards friendship.

Attitude towards the works of the God

We should do whatever we can. If we do our best, God will do the rest. We should try, like St. Andrew, to bring others to Christ.  

Attitude towards friendship

Do not befriend God or others just to get something out of them. Our love must be God-centered, not self-centered. Must be self-giving, not selfish.

How little is required to be a saint! It suffices to do in all things the will of God.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

Wouldst thou know what thou art? Thou art that to which thy heart turns most frequently.---VEN. BARTHOLOMEW OF MARTYRS.

Today I had the joy of baptizing 3 babies. As mentioned on my Sunday sermon: “you never know what these children may some day become.” We should do our best to bring them to God, and the grace of  God will do the rest. 

Today is July 26th, hence I blessed the babies with the relic of St. Anne. I also gave them “baby size” brown Scapular.

Charity requires us always to have compassion on human infirmity.---ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.

Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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