There was a bazaar at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church (CMCC) in Richmond. Both Fountain of Love 生命恩泉and Life and Photon had booths there.

Fountain of Life and Love (FLL) 生命恩泉 produces T.V. and radio programs in Chinese.

Photon produces Catholic songs for evangelization.

Please take your time to visit their websites. You can listen to their music, watch their programs & listen to their radio programs on-line.

Without prayer we have neither light nor strength to advance in the way which leads to God.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

This morning, I had the joy of celebrating Mass for more than 100 young people at Camp Jubilee. These young people were confirmed this year. They were participating a retreat run by the Youth Ministry Office of the Archdiocese.

At the Mass, I preached about St. Augustine. Our life of Faith is like lighting a fire. The fire needs to be lit first. Then it must burn brightly. Finally the fire should spread.

Jacey is Korean. She came to Vancouver to study English. She came to visit our church one evening and I invited her to learn about the Catholic Faith. This summer, I gave instructions to her, and finally she was baptized and confirmed yesterday.

One whose heart is embittered can do nothing but contend and contradict, finding something to oppose in every remark.---VEN. JULIENNE MOREL.

Here is the “audio version” of my article on Mother Teresa’s Order.

The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor

CNA News about this wonderful growing community.


Someone share this with me on Facebook.

All that God gives us and all that He permits in this world have no other end than to sanctify us in Him.---ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.

If you can not mortify your body by actual penance, abstain at least from some lawful pleasure.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

The Little Sisters have been and are the witnesses of the emptiness that often afflicts the old. They have been chosen to fill that emptiness with warmth and human affection. They have been chosen by God to reaffirm the sacredness of human life and to underline the truth that man is a child of God and can never be regarded only as a tool of cold utilitarianism.---POPE PAUL VI.

This afternoon I was delighted to meet Deacon Garrick Huang (brother of Fr. Justin Huang) & Seminarian Paul Leung from the FSSP. Paul is from Hong Kong (the first one from my hometown to join the FSSP). He will be going back to seminary this Saturday, where there are about 60 seminarians. Deacon Garrick will go to France for his pastoral assignment of working at a boarding school. God willing, he will be ordained a priest on May 22, 2010.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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