Catechetical Talk#17: The Most Blessed Virgin
Below is the talk I gave to my 3 prayer groups on The Most Blessed Virgin. The English recording was done on Sept. 21, and the Chinese recording was done on Sept. 28.
Part II of the English recording is on the 7 words of Mary and reflections on her holiness of life.
Part II of the Chinese recording is on the Prerogatives of Mary and Devotion to Mary.
This site has my other talks. You can also click here for my other Catechetical Talks for my prayer groups.
Part II of the English recording is on the 7 words of Mary and reflections on her holiness of life.
Part II of the Chinese recording is on the Prerogatives of Mary and Devotion to Mary.
This site has my other talks. You can also click here for my other Catechetical Talks for my prayer groups.