Below is the talk I gave to my 3 prayer groups on The Most Blessed Virgin. The English recording was done on Sept. 21, and the Chinese recording was done on Sept. 28.

Part II of the English recording is on the 7 words of Mary and reflections on her holiness of life.

Part II of the Chinese recording is on the Prerogatives of Mary and Devotion to Mary.

This site has my other talks. You can also click here for my other Catechetical Talks for my prayer groups.

We meet with contradictions everywhere. If only two persons are together they mutually afford each other opportunities of exercising patience, and even when one is alone there will still be a necessity for this virtue, so true it is that our miserable life is full of crosses.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.




「人的生命由開始至死亡,常由天使所保護和代禱。每個信徒都有一位天使在他身旁作為保護者和牧者,為引導他達到永生。」聖女吉瑪(Gemma Galgani, 1878-1903)和創辦「主業會」的聖施禮華(Josemaria Escriva, 1902-1975)神父,均對自己的護守天使特別恭敬。事實上,聖施禮華在一九二八年的十月二日,受到啓示而創辦了「主業會」。



This afternoon I was busy doing Baptisms. I had the joy of baptizing 2 babies in the chapel, while the high school students were using the church for choir practice. It is a great blessing that we have a chapel here at St. Patrick’s. The parish is so busy, it’s easy to “double-book” the church. On a number of occasions (including this afternoon) the chapel saved us from these “double-booked” situations.

My the Good Lord bless and protect these babies and their parents.

2 Main Themes of my Sermon:

Saving souls is not just the responsibility of Bishops & Priests. Each of the faithful to help in the Saving Works of Christ through word, example, and prayer. Each day we should do something  for souls. We must safeguard souls. One soul is more precious than any treasure on earth. We should avoid both the sin and the occasions of sin. English:




Last evening, we celebrated St Lorenzo (the first Filipino Saint).

Some are unable to fast or give alms; there are none who can not pray.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

A friend on Facebook shared his beautiful site with me. This site is

I am delighted that my talk on Confession was posted at their site today.

Please invite others to visit this site. Hopefully many people will approach the Sacrament of Confession because of this site.

Here are three catechetical talks that I gave to my 3 prayer groups this month and last month.

I encourage you to read the outlines of the talks (taken from a good manual for priests & catechists) to enrich your Catholic Faith. For my prayer groups members who have missed any of the meeting(s), you are encouraged to listen to the talk(s) on-line.

My 3 prayer groups meet on Sunday night (Chinese), Monday morning (Chinese), and Monday night (English). We have meeting twice a month.

We should not spare expense, fatigue, nor even our life, when there is a question of accomplishing the holy will of God.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

You might wonder who is reading this blog. Here I got some numbers from the last 500 visits.

As you can see around 30% of the visits is from Canada, and 27% from the U.S. The United Kingdom has 5.6%, thanks to a number of blogs there that link to my blog. 4.4% from Italy (I think they are my Facebook “friends”).
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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