Here is an excellent article of Archbishop Timothy Dolan about anti-Catholicism. This article in its shorter form was submitted to New York Times. But the Times refused to publish it.

Please take the time to read this good article, and pray that anti-Catholicism will be “rained out” for good.

Let us not despise, judge, or condemn any one but ourselves; then our cross will bloom and bear fruit.---VEN. JOHN TAULER

It is rarely that we fall into error if we are humble and trust to the wisdom of others, in preference to our own judgment.---VEN. LOUIS DE BLOIS.

This is the 1000th Post of this Blog!!!

I pre-typed this post and this is automatically published on October 28 at mid-night.

Today is the Feast of Sts. Simon & Jude. It is also the 25th Anniversary of my 1st Communion!!! I received my 1st Communion on October 28, 1984 at St. Jude’s Church in North Point, Hong Kong.

Pope Pius XII, in his Apostolic Exhortation, Menti Nostrae (1950), pointed out nine chief means (in addition to Holy Mass) to priestly holiness:

1. Divine Office

2. Daily Meditation

3. Vocal Prayer

4. The Rosary

5. Daily Visit to the Blessed Sacrament

6. Daily Examination of Conscience

7. Frequent Confession

8. Spiritual Direction


He who wishes to find Jesus should seek Him, not in the delights and pleasures of the world, but in mortification of the senses.---ST. ALPHONSUS.

Last Saturday, many pious people were praying in the chapel all day: 2000 Hail Marys. They were in the chapel from morning till night.

On Saturday night, to drove to Squamish for the Encounter Retreat for young men of St. Patrick’s Secondary. I heard Confessions till 2:30 AM.

In late morning, I went out for the Rosary walk.

I brought the Blessed Sacrament to the retreat for the young people to adore Jesus night and day. 

We had Mass on Sunday evening.


十一月一日的「諸聖瞻禮」將至,提醒我們「成聖」是天主向普世的召叫。「成聖」不需作出轟轟烈烈的事,聖人們大多都是在平凡中成聖的。若我們為天主盡忠職守地工作和專心熱切地祈禱,我們的聖德便會不知不覺地與日漸增 —— 聖梅瑟.馬偉昂Mucisan Marie Wiaux便是表表者。


馬偉昂修士出生於一八四一年,十五歲進入訓蒙會(喇沙修會)Christian Brothers。十八歲的那一年,他被長上指派教導一群不覊、年約九歲的兒童。可能因他的溫良,馬修士的課室是最混亂失控的,亦因此他被認為不適合留在訓蒙會。快要被修會飭令離開之際,具慧眼的會士麥森廷Maixenties挺身維護馬偉昂,要求把他留下,幫助教授美術和音樂。


教宗本篤十四世說:「給我一個在兩整年內,能完全遵守會規的會士,我不需要有証實他轉禱的聖蹟,便可把他宣聖!」 —— 馬偉昂修士

That which we suffer in the accomplishment of a good work, merits for us the necessary graces to insure its success.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

We ought to have a special devotion to those saints who excelled in humility, particularly to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who declares that the Lord regarded her on account of her humility.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.

FAITH: When this all-important truth is deeply impressed on the mind and heart of the priest---that the eternal salvation of certain souls may depend on his ministerial activities, that difficulties and opposition and weariness should be accepted unhesitatingly when even one soul is in danger, that all the materials benefits and human honors the world could give him are nothing compared to the privilege of serving as the instrument of God in bringing the state of grace to one human being---then
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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