A first year seminarian from Vancouver, who joined the Hong Kong Diocese sent me these photos of Holy Spirit Seminary in Hong Kong. The seminary is very Chinese, isn’t it?

Let’s say a prayer for the seminarian who sent me the photos and for all the seminarians at Holy Spirit Seminary.

Here is a Vocation Blog from Hong Kong.

This is an interesting article about H1N1 Flu Scare by Dr. Jackie Rogers. She hopes that the contents of the article help you to weather the storm, and allow you to relax a bit and NOT react to the fear that is being fanned by the media.

Please click HERE to read the article at the Little Flower Family Apostolate Website.

Last year on November 21, I started the Saintly Quote of the Day using the “Thoughts and Counsels” session of an antique book.

A year has passed, and I have put all the quotes up already. Of course, I will continue to post good quotations from time to time.

Thank you for your attentions in the past year.

I am spending less time in blogging now, because pastoral life has been keeping me busy.

Sermon for the feast of Christ the King

Q & A between Jesus & Pilate Raise to a higher level Reasons for today’s Feast (Pius XI 1925) Christ is King as Godman, Redeemer, & by right of the Holy Eucharist (Humble Thrones: Crib, Cross & Altar) Christ should be King in our mind (assent to truth), will (obey Commandments), and heart (detachment from creatures & attachment to God through prayer) God has a plan for each one of us.

The Blessed Virgin is of all the works of the Creator the most excellent, and to find anything in nature more grand one must go to the Author of nature Himself.---ST. PETER DAMIAN.

If we would advance in virtue, we must not neglect little things, for they pave the way to greater.---ST. TERESA.

Do you know what happens on earth?

I only know what happens in so far as God wills it. My knowledge is very limited. I have known a little about the community, but that is all.

Here is my Sermon on Heaven & Hell to high school students (delivered on Nov.

地 獄

本欄今天談到「萬民四末」的第四末,也是最後的題項 —— 地獄。



地獄之苦總概有「失落之苦」和「感覺之苦」。靈魂因在地獄中永遠不能見到美善的天主,且原屬於祂的卻永遠與祂分離,故此感到極度「失落之苦」。路加福音13:28記載耶穌向猶太人論及地獄之苦:『幾時你們望見亞巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯及眾先知在天主的國裏,你們卻被棄在外,那裏要有哀號和切齒。』「感覺之苦」主要是指火燒的懲罰。耶穌會會士若望.赫頓John Hardon神父寫道:「(地獄的)那火使人身心受到極度煎熬、折磨,而卻不被燒毁。」瑪竇福音3:12記載耶穌說過:『...

This evening, I gave a talk to the parents, whose children will receive Confirmation next year.

I talked about the basis catechetical presentation on the Sacrament of Confirmation, and also the basis responsibilities of Christian parents.





I preached this sermon last weekend during Masses.

Please visit my personal site for my other sermons/ homilies.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
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