Happy to hear the Father Savio Hon Tai-Fai (韓大輝神父) has been appointed to be the secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

This Sunday (December 26) FLL 「生命恩泉」TV program will feature Father Hon. It will be aired at 4:30 PM on Fairchild TV.


December 7 (Tuesday):

Lunch with FLL staff

Talk @ CMCC (Toronto) on Creed

December 8 (Wednesday):

Mass @ FLL Office

Talk @ St. Agnes’ Church (Toronto) on Commandments

December 9 (Friday):

Talk @ CMCC (Toronto) on Sacraments

Please click HERE to listen to my talks in Toronto.


Day of Recollection on Dec. 12 on Faith, Hope, Charity, and Apparitions of Our Lady.



人,是渴望喜樂。聖多瑪斯.阿奎諾St. Thomas Aquinas指出,人真正的喜樂來自滿全;但滿全不可能從財富、美貌、權力或聲譽獲得,而只能從無限美善的天主內分享。




聖人是世上最喜樂的人。守天主誡命 ——— 愛主愛人———是喜樂的秘抉。「喜樂」並非德行,而是愛德的果實。


Dec. 3: Visited Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church (CMCC) with Irene Wong (FLL Vancouver co-ordinater)

Dec. 4: Mass of Installation of new pastor at St. Agnes Kouying Tsao Parish

Dec 5: Sunday Mass @ CMCC & FLL annual Gala Dinner

Dec 6: Hot-pot Dinner with my sister and brother-in-law. Warm welcome to new priest arriving Canada from Taiwan (CMCC parish).

I am in Toronto now!!!

Today, I am @ FLL office to learn how to edit my corner at the FLL website.

Please visit www.fll.cc and click at my picture (left hand side of the site) to visit my new corner.

Advent is the season of hope and expectation. Hope is a supernatural virtue by which we expect, with a firm confidence, because of God's fidelity to His promises, life everlasting and the means of attaining it.

Hence, the principle object of hope is eternal happiness, and the secondary object of hope is the means of attaining eternal happiness. Glory and grace are the objects of hope.

In God we trust

The mercy of God is the reason for our hope.

Baptism of Babies on the Feast of Christ the King (Nov. 21)

Mission to Chinese people in Victoria (Nov. 26-27)

Baby Baptism on 1st Sunday of Advent (Nov.

We have just begun the season of Advent, to prepare for the coming of Christ. During this time we use the Advent wreath, with three purple candles and one rose candle.

These candles symbolize the four weeks of Advent. They are also symbols of faith, hope, charity, and joy. In these four weeks we will explore these four spiritual topics as preparation for Christmas.

Over the last three weeks we have been looking at different approved apparitions. This time we are looking at the apparitions of Our Lady of Soufanieh in Damascus, Syria. This private revelation has been approved by both Catholic and Orthodox bishops.

On Nov. 22, 1982, Mirna, a newly wedded young lady, prayed for her sick sister-in-law, Layla. Oil exuded from Mirna's hands, and Layla was cured. On Nov. 27, oil started to exude from an icon of Our Lady at Mirna's home.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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