Starting on January 30, my segment @ the FLL radio program (愛的恩泉電台節目) will have a different style. You will hear the voice Irene Wong as well. With 2 people talking, we hope the talk will be more lively and interesting.

Please tune in AM 1470 @ 8 PM (Vancouver time) on Saturday. If you are in Toronto, please tune in AM 1430 @ 6 PM.

We are going to talk about Saint Mutien Marie Wiaux on the 30th. For more information, please read my article about him at the BC Catholic newspaper (Oct 26, 2009).

Haven’t got the time to blog for almost a week now!!!  Here are some photos & updates from the past week:

Last Saturday (January 23), I started a series of Catechetical course for FLL volunteers in Vancouver. The class was opened to all. So there were about 120 people came. I taught them the Creed. Coming Saturday I will teach the Commandments, and on February 6, I will teach the Sacraments.

Last Sunday, I had the joy to baptize a baby boy at St.

January 22 was the 46th anniversary of the death of Monsignor Louis Forget. During his time as pastor of St. Patrick's, Monsignor Forget inspired many young men to the holy priesthood. Vocation is a great gift from God that need to be nurtured and fostered. The Church commemorates St. John Bosco on January 31, who was an ardent promoter of priestly vocations.

Signs of Priestly Vocation


Please click HERE for the Holy Father’s Message of World Communications Day.

The Holy Father wrote:

The spread of multimedia communications and its rich "menu of options" might make us think it sufficient simply to be present on the Web, or to see it only as a space to be filled.

The following is a story of the humble beginnings of my son Nicholas and I. We thank God daily for the Pro-Lifers who were present in body, mind, spirit, and prayer so the life of my only son was spared.

As a young woman, abandoned at the church altar after seven years of engagement, and with a child in the womb, I was fearful of telling angry parents, displeased that their eldest daughter was the first in the family tree to become pregnant out of wedlock.

Last Saturday (January 9) we had FLL 生命恩泉 ( ) Vancouver volunteers gathering.

On Sunday (January 10), I participated a retreat for the grade 12 girls of St. Patrick’s high school.

Here is my sermon for the girls. I talks a lot about St. Theresa the Little Flower.


近日,有些天主教網誌稱當今教宗本篤十六世為「基督徒合一的教宗」。著名網誌主持人、茂德.菲尼幹Tim Finigan神父描述教宗是「實幹合一,不尚空談,為分享同一信仰的聖公會信徒,提供切實合一的機緣。」在這裏,讓我們認識兩位為基督徒合一作出貢獻及犧牲的聖人。

Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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