February 27, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about Hell & Purgatory. This is the 2nd of the four talks on the Last Things (Death, Judgment, Heaven, & Hell).

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (November 23, 2009).

February 20, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about Heaven. This is the 1st of the four talks on the Last Things (Death, Judgment, Heaven, & Hell).

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (November 16, 2009).

In the past week, I was blessed with the opportunities to baptize people in the hospital. Last Saturday, I conditionally baptized, confirmed, anointed, and gave 1st Communion to a man who was very sick. I brought Communion to him yesterday (Friday), and glad to see that he seems to have improved quite a bit.

Also, I had to joy to baptize a baby girl in the hospital. With permission of her parent, I am sharing a photo with you and ask you to keep the sick in your prayers.

February 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about 真福類斯.冠樂 Blessed Louis Guanella神父 and Divine Providence (天主的眷顧).

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (October 19, 2009).

I am very grateful to receive these relics this past week:

These relics, along with others, will be at the expositions I am preparing at schools, retreats, and talks. Please pray for the success of this project. Thank you.

Loving offer to God

Recently, we celebrated the feasts of the saints, St. Agatha, the Japanese Martyrs, and St. Scholastica, who gave their lives for God’s love. The Mass is a sacrifice where we offer ourselves with Christ to God the Father. This week, I am going to walk you through the Offertory of the Mass.

Procession of the gifts

During the Offertory, people in the congregation are united in prayer by the singing of a hymn. There is a procession of gifts.

Praying the greatest prayer

February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. At the presentation, Christ was offered to the Father. The prophets Simeon and Anna were prayerful people who listened to God attentively, and they encountered the Lord Jesus in the temple.

When we attend Mass, we should listen to word of God attentively and offer ourselves with Christ to the Father. Over the next two weeks, I will walk you through the greatest prayer of the Catholic Church, the Mass.

Helped to say Mass @ Guardian Angel parish (downtown) on January 31 (Sunday) and February 6 (Saturday). People were welcoming.

January 31 (Sunday): Birthday dinner for Fr. Michael, pastor of Corpus Christi, Vancouver

February 2 (Tuesday): Memorial Mass for Janine Lieu (1985-2008). With relics of two young saints on altar: Saint Teresa of Jesus (de Los Andes) and Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu

February 3 (Wednesday): Exposed relics of Blessed Maria Helena Stollenwerk (Feast Day on Feb.

February 6, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about St. John Bosco (聖若望鮑思高) and the Salesians’ methods of education (慈幼會教育法).

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (December 14, 2009).

Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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