Last Saturday (March 27) I preached a half day retreat at my former parish: Corpus Christi. This retreat was mainly for MC co-workers (Mother Teresa). There was also exposition of relics. I explained veneration of relics, and I talked about prayer, penance, and works of mercy using the lives and teachings of the saints.

Please click image to visit the Sistine Chapel on-line

March 27, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about the Offertory Rites in the Mass. This is the 2nd of the four talks on the Mass.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (February 15, 2009).

March 17: Feast of St. Patrick

Proclamation of “St. Patrick’s Parish 100th Anniversary Commemoration Day” by Mayor of Vancouver

Dinner for Priests and Mass

March 20 (Saturday): Gave retreat at St. Francis Xavier Parish (On St. John Vianney, and my own vocation stories).

March 21 (Sunday)

Met Mother General of Sisters of St. Mary of Divine Providence

Baptism of baby. Also happy to see baby’s older sister, whom I baptized last year

March 22 (Monday). Led my Monday Prayer Group.

March 20, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the Word in the Mass. This is the 1st of the four talks on the Mass.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (February 1, 2009).

March 13: Retreat & Exposition of Sacred Relics for Canossian Alumni.

Encounter retreat for St. Patrick’s Grade 12 girls. Lots of quiet time for me to pray and rest.



聖女傅天娜St. Faustina回憶神視寫道:「我看見耶穌被縛在圓柱,四個人輪流鞭打着祂,這個殘酷景象幾使我心跳停頓。我主給我說:『我實在所受的苦楚,比你眼見的 更甚。』祂告訴我,祂受皮肉之苦,是補贖我們犯不潔的罪。」



March 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about Judgment. This is the 4th of the four talks on the Last Things (Death, Judgment, Heaven, & Hell).

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (November 9, 2009).

Very blessed today to receive a beautiful large reliquary with the bone relic of St. Marguerite d’Vouville. She is a saint of my country, Canada. The date of the document for the relic is 1960. This relic will be included at the upcoming expositions of sacred relics during retreats and talks.

Another very unique relic. It’s the first time I see bone relic inside a relic card.

This Lenten Season (and also during Easter), I am giving talks & retreats almost once a week. The themes of my talks have to do with saints and blessed. One main theme is to perform prayer, penance, and works of mercy with the saints. The first retreat was given last Saturday in Coquitlam @ the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (in Chinese). The sacred relics were grouped according to the Mysteries of the Rosary (Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, & Glorious).
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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