Some main points of my Sunday Sermon for June 20:

The plan of God the Father for Jesus was both painful and loving. This plan became clear when Christ rose from the dead. The plan of God for the Apostles and for the saints is both painful and loving. The plan became clear for each one of them when they died. The plan of God for us is also painful and loving, it will be clear to us when we die. If we let God to write the history of our life story, it will be a happy ending. What is popular is not always right. Blessed Jacinta of Fatima  predicted about 90 years ago: “Certain fashions will come that will offend Our Lord very much”. Our Faith in Christ help us to view marriage and life issues in the true light, which is not always fashionable.

At the end of the last millennium, on Dec. 31, 1999, Pope John Paul II said that the discovery of America was the principal achievement of the millennium.

In July the Church commemorates two great Franciscan missionaries of America. On July 1 dioceses in the U.S. will honour Blessed Junipero Serra (1713-1784), a Spanish missionary, and on July 14 the Franciscan family will honour St. Francis Solano (1549-1610). Blessed Serra joined the Franciscan order soon after the canonization of St.

This coming Wednesday (June 23) will be the 150th anniversary of the death of a holy priest, St. Joseph Cafasso (1811-1860). He was a priest of the Turin diocese, and was the spiritual director and confessor of St. John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Order.

Single-minded dedication

At the age of 15, Cafasso decided to become a priest. He was a model seminarian excelling in virtues like charity and obedience. Testimonies after his death confirmed that no one had ever noticed any sin in him.

I launched this blog 2 years ago (June 19, 2008).

I thank you for the readers who visited this humble blog of mine.

I pray that this blog will continue to be a modest platform for me to share the Good News of Jesus to the world.

May God bless all my dear readers!

Today, I had the joy to baptize a baby boy.

The baptismal name of the baby was “Luke” (means “light”).

We had lots of “lights” during the ceremony. The family brought candles and the children used cameras.

Recently I have received some inbox messages asking me for information and addresses to obtain sacred relics.

I do not want to be rude, but given the large amount of abuses going on regarding sacred relics recently, I have decided not to give information to anyone whom I do not know personally. Also, please understand that I would not exchange relics with anyone. For me, sacred relics are too holy to be exchanged.

Thank you for your understanding.

June 19, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about another Canadian blessed----Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (May 10, 2010).

I think our beloved Fr. Justin Huang was among those who listened to the Pope’s address.

Please click HERE for the news of the address.

Let’s say a prayer for Fr. Justin and for members of the Academy.

It’s Wednesday again! We had our weekly Queen of Angels Children Group here @ St. Pat’s. One of our challenges is to keep around 20 children focus during the Rosary. Today, I implemented a simple method: to pray each decade at a different location.

1st Decade @ St. Joseph’s Chapel (kneeling):

2nd Decade @ Sacred Heart’s Chapel (standing):

3rd Decade @ the entrance of the church beneath the Passion Scene (standing):

4th Decade @ St.

I started thinking about to be a priest on June 16, 1990.

20 Years Ago (Saturday, June 16, 1990), I attended for the first time a Priestly Ordination at the Cathedral church in Hong Kong. The priest being ordained was 江志釗神父, a parishioner from my home parish, St. Jude’s in North Point. He was ordained for the Salesian Order.

I went to the Ordination because of the rector of my high school, 張志誠神父.

On June 15 each year the faithful of Pibrac in France honour a young saint, Germaine Cousin (1579-1601). The apostolic brief for her beatification stated: “A simple maiden, humble, and of lowly birth, but so greatly enlightened by the gifts of divine wisdom and understanding, and so remarkable for her transcendent virtues, that she shone like a star not only in her native France but throughout the Catholic Church.”

An unwanted child

Germaine’s right hand was deformed and paralyzed at birth.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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