Canadian Anglican Catholic group votes to unite with Rome

Please click HERE for the news

This thoughts provoking video is about the use of internet by lay people.

Very interesting points…..

Please click HERE for the scripts.

This morning, I led prayer meeting for one of my prayer groups. I gave a talk (in Cantonese) on human act (voluntariness & Circumstances) according to the Summa Theologica.

Please click HERE to download my audio talk (in Catnonese).

Please refer to my precious post for the outline of the talk.

In the last two weeks we have looked at the lives of Blessed Assunta of China and St. Alphonsa of India. This week let us go further south to Australia and look at the life of Blessed Mary MacKillop (1842-1909). Her feast day will be celebrated in Australia on Aug. 8, and she will be canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 17.

Foundress of Australian order

Mary MacKillop was born on Jan. 15, 1842, in Melbourne, Australia. She was the eldest of eight children.

We should not take it for granted that God is our loving Father. We address God “Our Father”. If we pray for our own salvation persistently and piously, our prayer would be infallible. We should behave as children of God: appreciating the fact that human beings can share the Fatherhood of God in the works of Creation and Redemption. We should not let the devil to reduce us from children to slaves, but pray for the world against the culture of dead.

Website launched by Catholic deacon to protect the Holy Father’s reputation and the truth of the Catholic Church.

Click HERE for CNA news regarding the new site.

July 24, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about St. Germaine.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (June 14, 2010).

Recently, I gave talks to my prayer groups on the voluntariness and circumstances of human acts from the Summa Theologica.


Human act is any thought, word, deed, desire, or omission which comes from a man by his free, knowing, and deliberate choice. Hence human act is voluntary. Animals lack intellect and will, and can only be guided by sense knowledge Violence (or force from outside) cannot directly affect the human will.

Last week I wrote about Blessed Assunta of China. This week, let us travel southward in spirit to India and look at the life of another holy nun, St. Alphonsa Muttathupadathu (1910-1946). The faithful in India will celebrate her feast day on July 28, and August 19 will be the 100th anniversary of her birth.

Path to the convent

St. Alphonsa was born on Aug. 19, 1910, at a rural village in Kerala, India. Her baptismal name was Anna, and her family called her Annakutty.

Some main points of my Sunday sermon:

Both 1st Reading & Gospel is about hospitality Jesus is our guest but not everyone accept Him If we welcome Him as guest, He also becomes our Master.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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