The Missionaries of Charity here in Vancouver will be praying a Novena to Mother Teresa (from August 17-25) in preparation of her 100th birthday on August 26, 2010.

Please click HERE for the official novena to Mother Teresa.

I will be preaching to the Sisters on the 1st & 6th day of the Novena.

“Get-together” for members of my English prayer group on the eve of Assumption with potluck dinner, karaoke, and Night Prayer at the balcony. 

Please click HERE for my Sunday sermon for the Solemnity of Assumption.

Baby Baptism on the Solemnity of Assumption.

Chinese prayer meeting in the evening of Assumption Day with the blessing of herbs.

Meanings of blessing of herbs on Assumption Day:

1. Fragrant of herbs reminds us the virtues of Our Lady.


I was very glad to welcome Father Anthony Tcheong and Father Francis Hung from Hong Kong. They are both Salesians priests. Father Tcheong was the rector of the high school I attended in Hong Kong. He was the first priest encouraged me to consider the priesthood.

On August 6, after Mass, I drove the 2 priests to Mission. We visited the 2 monasteries there.

Last week, there was a 3 days retreat at Stave Lake, Mission for youth of St. Patrick’s Parish.

August 14, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about martyrdom and witness to the Faith.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (July 5, 2010).

Last Monday to Wednesday (August 2-4), I led members of my 3 prayer groups to Oregon for a 3-days trip and retreat.

We visited St. James’ Cathedral in Seattle on our way to Oregon. 

We stayed at Mount Angel Abbey.

Chinese Mass at St. Joseph’s Chapel.

Venerated the incorrupt hand relic of English Martyr.

Spiritual conferences. 

August 3 afternoon: Visited Brigittine Monastery.

August 3 afternoon: Visited Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Recently, I have been following almost daily. Each day (Monday to Friday), there is Catholic News Roundup, and a short program, The Vortex.

The programs are short, up-to-date and informative. I like that fact that I can watch them anytime I want.

Please visit their site HERE. 

This week presented their latest Catholic Investigative Agency (CIA) episode on the Mass.

This episode is entitled “Weapons of MASS Destruction”.

August 7, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about St. Francis Solano and Blessed Junipero Serra.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (June 28, 2010).

July 31, 2010 (Saturday)

Toronto 6 PM @ AM 1430 Vancouver 8 PM @ AM 1470 I am going to talk about St. Joseph Cafasso.

For more information, please read my article for the Pax Sinica column on the BC Catholic newspaper (June 21, 2010).
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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