In the last three weeks, we looked at the Church Fathers from the 4th century. They were great teachers and defenders of the Faith. This week, we are going to look at the life of the greatest Church Father--- St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430).

His Life

Augustine was born in 354. His mother was St. Monica. His father, Patricius, was converted to the Catholic Faith by his wife shortly before his death. St. Augustine was a catechumen and had not been baptized.

Augustine studied rhetoric in Madaura and Carthage. He was a brilliant student, but idleness led him into the vice of lust and he also followed a heretical sect--- Manichees. His mother, St. Monica prayed night and day with tears for the conversion of her son.

In 384, Augustine went to Milan to be a professor of rhetoric.

In the last two weeks we have looked at some great champions of orthodoxy of the 4th century: St. Athanasius and the Cappadocian Fathers. This week let us look at some great teachers of the faith of the same century.

St. John Chrysostom (354-407)

John of Antioch was surnamed Chrysostom (the Golden Mouth) because of his eloquence. He was a monk who later became a deacon in 381, then a priest in 386. For a long time, because of his humility, John hesitated about becoming a priest.

Baptism of baby boy on September 11 (Saturday):

Baptism of baby boy on September 12 (Sunday):

Annual get-together with my classmates on September 13 (Monday).

We had Mass together, then dinner.

It’s wonderful to see Father Justin Huang from Rome.

Out-door education for grades 6 & 7 in Squamish (Sept. 14-15): living Rosary, camp fire, & Mass.

Visited Madonna House (September 15) in the evening: Mass, catechetical sharing, & supper.

Very excited to receive holy relics from a monastery.

I came across the website of Unity Publishing Inc. recently.

I really enjoy reading the different articles of the site regarding Marian apparitions.

I highly recommend the article “Testing the spirit --- the criteria of discernment”

There are articles of investigations on different reported apparitions.

Very informative site!

The Very Reverend Adolphe Tanquerey wrote about “Rules for the Discernment of Revelations” in his classic, The Spiritual Life. The articles at Unity Publishing Inc.

A book that helps people to foster close relationship with God in daily lives.

Irene Wong is back!!!

We did recording last Tuesday (August 31) at Fairchild radio. We recorded 4 talks base on Sunday Gospels. These talks will be broadcasted on September 18, September 25, October 2, and October 9.

Please tune in on Saturday (8 PM @ AM 1470 in Vancouver & 6 PM @ AM 1430 in Toronto)

Participated Western Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (WCCCLC) in Mission (September 5 & 6). Marian Mass with Archbishop Micheal Miller and Msgr. Jensen.

“Christology” is the study of the person of Jesus Christ and especially the mystery of the union in Christ of the divine and human natures. The first four ecumenical councils in the 4th and 5th centuries defined the personhood and natures of Christ, and the Nicene Creed we recite on Sundays expresses the official teachings of the Church in the liturgy.

Last week, we looked at the teachings of the Fathers in the first two centuries. This week and next week, we are going to look at the theological thoughts of the third and fourth centuries.


According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, exegesis is “the art and science of investigating and expressing the true sense of Sacred Scripture.

August 28 is the feast of St. Augustine, a prominent Church Father. And in the month of September, we are going celebrate the feasts of a number of Church Fathers: St. Gregory the Great, St. John Chrysostom, St. Cornelius, St. Cyprian, and St. Jerome. In these few weeks, we are going to study the Church Fathers---teachers of Faith in the first centuries.

Tonight, I came across the virtual tour of St. Peter’s in the Vatican.

Please click HERE to enjoy seeing the Basilica from your home.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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