Last weekend (November 25-28), I went to Edmonton to hear Confessions and to preach a Day of Recollection for the Chinese people there.

I gave the talks in Cantonese

Talk 1: Growth in Faith with Blessed John Paul II

第一講: 真福若望保祿二世

[下載 Download]


Talk 2: Manuscript on Purgatory

第二講: 煉靈的哀訴

[下載 Download]

I gave a similar talk in English at a prayer gathering:


Talk 3: Reveiw past Days of Recollection

第三講: 重温過往的講座

[下載 Download]

You can read about my past visits to Edmonton HERE.

I have been relatively quiet these days in the blogosphere. I was away last week for Clergy Study Week, and I have been suffering from minor flu. Also, I have been busy writing articles for The BC Catholic newspaper.

From time to time, I also enjoy spending time with the converts whom I was blessed to baptize in the past few years. And I am currently preparing some Chinese people for Baptism.

October 15-16 Fundraising events @ St.

The world is approaching 7 billion in population. Is the world over populated?

Here are a few videos to help you to think about it….

October 15 is the Feast of St. Teresa of Jesus.

I wrote an article about her and St. John of the Cross for the June 27, 2011 issue of The BC Catholic:

I also wrote an article on lukewarmness for the March 8, 2010 issue of The BC Catholic:


The has 2 blunt videos on topics of religion and politic yesterday and today.

This week, the topic of my classroom visits was on Blessed John XXIII and the Papacy.

I explained to the students that relics of the saints are not only in theca (container), but also in holy pictures.

I showed them a relic of Blessed John XXIII in holy picture.

Blessed John XXIII was a pure and simple man. He resolved to avoid even the smallest sin. He avoided things that would lead him to sin, he exercised moderations in food and drink, he was busy doing good, and he prayed a great deal.

I am currently working on a series of articles on the Creed for The B.C. Catholic newspaper.

To read the articles, please go to

Then go to “Search Articles according to Categories 文章按主題分類”

Then go to “Catechetical Series 認識天主教教理”

Then go to “Understanding the Creed 認識信經 "

Then click an article to read….

The article for this week (October 10) is on the Creation and the Fall of Angels.

Next week will be on the Creation and the Fall of Man.

One of my favourite works at St. Michael’s is to visit the classrooms and to teach young people religion. Usually each visit takes about 10 to 15 minutes and I love to share stories of the saints with young people and to bless them with holy relics.

On September 15, I talked about Holy Cross.

The story of Jesus’ suffering The story of the discovery of the True Cross by St. Helen The meanings of “Relic” Blessing with Relic of the True Cross On September 21, I talked about Padre Pio.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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