This evening, I had the joy of receiving through email photos from the mom of baby Sara Charlotte whom I baptized last year on May 16. Baby Sara was the youngest baby I ever baptized inside the church (outside of hospital). She was only 13 days old. Her mom sent me the photos so that I can share them here in the blog. I posted a photo of baby Sara last year HERE.

It was wonderful to see parents having their baby baptized early. That is what the Church urges the faithful to do. According the Canon Law (867-1), “Parents are obliged to see that their infants are baptized within the first few weeks.

Baptism of baby girl on Sunday, February 20

I baptized her brother 2 years ago (please lick HERE for the post), and now he is much older.

Last Sunday I preached on loving one’s enemies. There are differences between natural love and supernatural love, and since grace builds on nature, some natural means are helpful for the fostering of love.

You can listen and download my Sunday Sermon HERE.

Seven years ago today (February 17, 2004), Bishop Raymond Roussin became the Archbishop of Vancouver. He was the one who ordained me to the holy priesthood. Today, I offered prayers for him and asked the Lord give him peace and joy.

Archbishop Raymond’s favorite song is “Shine Jesus Shine”.

My article this week on The B.C. Catholic newspaper in the sixth one in the series of “Means to Perfection”.

I consider the article of this week the most practical and important in the series.

The article is on “a rule of life”.

Today’s Gospel is about avoiding occasions of sins. I also talked about being obsessive. Obsession makes a person live in imagination and disconnect with reality. In order to fight against obsession, we need moderation.

Please visit my Sunday Sermons Site to listen and download my homily.

Please visit my Chinese Radio Talk Site 「愛的恩泉」to listen and download my talk 『神修話語』broadcasted last night (same topics as the English homily today).

Today I had the joy of meeting members of Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild. I gave them a presentation on veneration of holy relics and blessed them with relics.

Please click HERE to read my article on the Veneration of Relics.

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

I shared with the high school students and parishioners about discernment of private revelations.

You can read my article HERE. The message, seer, and sign are important things to look at to discern whether an alleged private revelation is of supernatural origin or not.

Today, I carried the relic of St. Bernadette (a piece of her religious habit) with me, and blessed people with it.

Today is also World Day of the Sick.

Today is Feast the of St. Scholastica, the sister of St. Benedict.

When St. Scholastica died, St. Benedict was in his cell. Looking up to the sky, he saw his sister’s soul leave her body in the form of a dove, and fly up to the secret places of heaven.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich said, “Scholastica was purity itself. I see her in heaven as white as snow.

After working for two days--- uploading all my past weekly articles for The B.C. Catholic newspaper to website for people to read at today, I received the relic of the patron saint for writers--- St. Francis de Sales. In the same theca is the relic of St. Jane de Chantal (e carne) with documentation from the year 1950.

Today is the Feast of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. She was a custodian of sacred relics with many private revelations.

Yesterday and today, I uploaded many things to my corner at the Fountain of Love and Life site ( 

The latest audio uploads include: Chinese radio talk from Saturday, last Sunday sermon, last Saturday talks at day of recollection, and talks at prayer meetings.

I also spent hours uploading all the past articles for The B.C. Catholic (Pax Sinica Chinese- English column).
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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