I will be away from tomorrow (March 13) to March 22 on pilgrimage in Portugal, Spain and France.

March 13: On the plane to Lisbon

March 14: Arrive Lisbon (Birth place of St. Anthony)

March 15: Santarem (Eucharistic Miracle Site) & Fatima

March 16: Fatima (Our Lady appeared in 1917)

March 17: Mass at Cathedral of Salamanca

March 18: Avila (St. Teresa of Avila)

March 19: Loyola (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

March 20-21: Lourdes (Our Lady appeared in 1858)

March 22: On the plane to Vancouver

Please click HERE for our itinerary.

March 5: Funeral Mass for a lady who had great devotion to St. Anthony (I placed the relic of St. Anthony on the altar during the funeral Mass).

Also on March 5: Attended Gala Dinner of Chinese Marriage Encounter.

March 6 & 7: Meetings for my 3 prayer groups with veneration of holy relics (especially relics of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity.

March 8: Some members of the Sunday Chinese prayer group returned from Holy Land. Someone gave me a crucifix with relic.

「生命恩泉」今個星期日(3月6日) 下午4:35 新時代電視播出首個温哥華創作的環節----「愛心廚房」。


The Bishops in the Philippines issued a pastoral letter clearly opposing the so-called “Reproductive Health” or “Responsible Parenthood” (RH) bill.

It is wonderful to see the shepherds of the Church teaching the truths clearly and boldly.

The letter pointed out:

Twenty five years ago in 1986 we Catholic Bishops made a prophetic moral judgment on political leadership…Today we come to a new national crossroads and we now have to make a similar moral choice.

Bishop Peter Elliott, the author of my favorite liturgical book, Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite, wrote an excellent article on the new English translation of the Missal.

Bishop Elliott pointed out:

The Bishops in the early seventies were anxious to get the “new missal” to the people as quickly as possible. But the translation they hastily approved was distorted because it was based on a flawed principle of translation known as ‘dynamic equivalence’.

March 4 is the Feast of St. Casimir, Patron of Poland.

This 15th century saint was the son of Casimir III, King of Poland. He maintained his purity in the court environment through prayers and mortifications.

He had a great devotion to Mary and frequently recited the “Hymn of St. Casimir”. (Omni die dic Mariae/ Daily Daily Sing to Mary)

Daily, daily sing to Mary,

Sing, my soul, her praises due.

All her feasts, her actions worship

With the heart's devotion true.

Last weekend I was in Squamish for the grade 12 girls’ retreat. I heard Confessions on Saturday night and celebrated Mass for the students on Sunday afternoon.

On Sunday morning, I had the joy to celebrate Mass at Queen of Peace Dominican Monastery. Due to heavy snow, 2 Sisters picked me up from the camp with a 4-Runner.

Please visit my corner at fll.cc to listen or download the sermon I preached at the monastery.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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