It was a great joy for me to baptize and confirm 4 Chinese people at Easter Vigil last night.

May the good Lord keep them and guide them to holiness.

This afternoon, I baptized 2 babies ( a baby boy and a baby girl). I myself was baptized 35 years ago on Easter Sunday with my cousin. Now I am a priest and she is a nun. You never know what kind of future is awaiting these little ones! I pray that these little ones of God will have a bright and holy future!

Please take the time to listen to my Easter Sermon on Jesus overcoming sin and death for us.

Just uploaded the talks of this year Lenten retreat (in Cantonese) to (or

The talks are: Means of Holiness (part 1 & part 2), and Apparitions of Our Lady.

Please click HERE for the recordings and links to my articles on the topics.


Just completed my series of articles on the moral virtues for The B.C. Catholic.

Please click HERE for the articles.

Visited St. Bridget Chinese community in Los Angeles (April 16).

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in LA & Hollywood (April 17)

Underground Mausoleum in the Cathedral

Tomb of St. Vibiana


St. Michael Abbey (Norbertine Order) & Disneyland (April 18)

Brothers from Vancouver who are in formation. Please keep them in prayers.

“Dear Brothers and Sisters,

After the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have chosen me -- a simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord.

It consoles me that the Lord knows how to work and to act even with inadequate instruments, so above all, I entrust myself to your prayers.

In the joy of the Risen Lord, trusting in his unfailing help, let us move forward, that the Lord will help us and Mary, his Most Holy Mother, might be by our side.

Vatican Commission sent a message to Catholics in China. Please read the whole message HERE.

We encourage the Bishops, together with their priests, to conform themselves ever more closely to Christ the Good Shepherd, to ensure that their faithful do not lack education in the faith, to stimulate a just industriousness and to strive to build, wherever they are lacking and are necessary, new places of worship and education in the faith and, especially, to form mature Christian communities.

Archbishop Michael Sheehan wrote a pastoral letter against cohabitation to be read at all the Masses on Sunday, April 3.

In the pastoral letter, the Archbishop stated:

First of all, we ourselves must be firmly rooted in the Gospel teaching that, when it comes to

sexual union, there are only two lifestyles acceptable to Jesus Christ for His disciples: a single

life of chastity, or the union of man and woman in the Sacrament of Matrimony. There is no

“third way” possible for a Christian.

Today, I had the joy of receiving holy relics from a monastery in Rome. The nuns prepared 40 thecae with 2 relics in each theca. Most of the relics are from the bones of the saints or blessed.

Some of the relics are from: St. Hilary, St. Cyril, St. Albert the Great, St. Alexander, St. Anthony the Abbot, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Leo the Great, St. Peter Chrysologus,  St. Justin, St. Cornelius, St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Apollonia, St.

This morning, I found a coup le inspiring videos. Last month, I was blessed to visit the Basilica in Fatima, where the bodies of the three seers are buried. Here is the video on the re-burial of Sister Lucia.

Here is the wonderful pro-life video about the “LIFE Mob” in Chicago.

HERE is an explanation about the incident on April 2 by Fr. Z.

Please also visit an inspiring Blog of a hermit-priest who dedicates his life for the sanctification of Bishops and Priests.

Today is the 4th Sunday of Lent. It is one of the two times during the year that priests can wear rose vestments. The Gospel of the day is on the Man Born Blind.

Please listen to my Sunday Sermon HERE.

You can also listen to my Chinese radio talk (broadcasted last night) on the same theme. 

It was a great joy to baptize twin brothers this afternoon.

My series of articles on the Moral Virtues are continuously published at The B.C. Catholic newspaper.

This afternoon, I had the joy to receive visitors from Portugal.

I mentioned in my last post that one of the special highlights for the pilgrimage was to celebrate Mass at the Chapel of Apparition in Fatima on March 16. Antonio Marto (a relative of the Blessed Francisco and Jacinta Marto) was a guard at the shrine who served at the Mass. He came to visit me with his friends from Portugal.

Antonio Marto attended St.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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