Personal Highlights
Please listen to my Chinese radio talk and English Sunday sermon on “Deacons”.
Baptism of baby girl (May 22)
50th Wedding Anniversary blessing
Father John Horgan 25th Anniversary Priestly Ordination
10th Anniversary of the Death of my Mother (Mrs. Rose Ho + May 23, 2001)
Memorial Mass this morning at 11 AM with the relics of St. Anthony and St. Rose.
Please listen to the sermon HERE.
Please read my latest article on the Gift of Fortitude HERE.
Baptism of baby girl (May 22)
50th Wedding Anniversary blessing
Father John Horgan 25th Anniversary Priestly Ordination
10th Anniversary of the Death of my Mother (Mrs. Rose Ho + May 23, 2001)
Memorial Mass this morning at 11 AM with the relics of St. Anthony and St. Rose.
Please listen to the sermon HERE.
Please read my latest article on the Gift of Fortitude HERE.