
A number of farewell celebrations for me:

Last Wednesday members of the Queen of Angels children group had a farewell party for me. I started the Queen of Angels group soon after I came to St. Patrick’s. It’s wonderful to pray and play with children.

Today, there was a farewell lunch with the staff of the Elementary School.

They especially remembered my stories of the Saints and my devotion to Holy Relics.

Here is a “Tree of Saints” they set up in the staff room.

Baptism for a baby boy yesterday.

Please visit www.fatheranthonyho.ca for my latest uploads of Chinese radio talk and Sunday sermon on the Holy Trinity.

Please also read my latest BC Catholic article on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Many beautiful celebrations in the past couple weeks!

On June 3, Pablo Santa Maria Watson was ordained a Deacon.

June 4, I was blessed to consecrated the Host for Adoration. The Vocation Monstrance was used for the first time in our Archdiocese that evening. There were also Confessions and procession. Our Archbishop gave the Benediction.

On June 5, there was 1st Communion in our parish. Also there was Graduation Mass for high school on June 4 and closing Mass for high school on June 9.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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