August 22: Legion of Mary Comitium meeting.

Please click HERE to listen and download my talk on the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as our Queen.

August 27: Last time to celebrate Mass @ old convent of Missionaries of Charity with MC co-workers.

August 28: Baptism of the young girl @ St. Michael’s

Please click HERE to listen to my Sunday Sermon on the meanings of Suffering. (Please click HERE for the Chinese radio talk on the same topic)

August 29: English Prayer Group @ my family home.

Please click HERE to listen to my prayer talk on the Virtue of Prudence.

Please click HERE to read my latest article on Blessed Luigi Guanella to be canonized on October 23.

Last night, the Opening Mass for World Youth Day 2011 was celebrated in Madrid. In my prayers, I united myself to the ten of thousands of young people gathered in Madrid to express the Catholic Faith.

Please click HERE to listen and download the Chinese World Youth Day theme song by Photon.

Official Theme Song:

For coverage on World Youth Day, please visit EWTN and Salt & Light.

There are groups both from my current parish, St. Michael’s, and my former parish, St. Patrick’s.

In recent days the internet @ St. Michael’s is not working properly. So, I have to reply emails and to update my site & blog from home!

There are a few bad news on the web, and I think we should pray for the people involved. However, there are sensible people who help to shed light in darkness.

Of course, there is the infamous London riots. Fr.

July 17: First Chinese Mass @ Our Lady of Fatima, Coquitlam

July 23: Vancouver Evangelization Concert 2012 “Send Off Evening” for volunteers

July 24: My 1st Baptism @ St. Michael’s, Burnaby

July 31: Dinner in honor of Cardinal Zen from Hong Kong, and Fr.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Please click image for information on Fr. Anthony's private prayer groups in English and Chinese
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