More photos (from facebook) of this year CACCLC in the US from Sept. 2nd to Sept. 5th.

The following message was sent to the Vancouver members of FLL from me regarding 40 Days for Life.

FLL volunteers,

You Can Help Save Lives!

From September 28 - November 6, Vancouver is uniting with hundreds of other cities around the world for the largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history -- the 40 Days for Life campaign. 

Recognizing that “with God all things are possible,” people of faith are praying that this effort will help bring an end to the tragedy of abortion.

A good lady gave me a big picture of St. Philomena as an act of thanksgiving for answered prayers. I am very happy to hang this lovely picture at my prayer room. I am very honored to have a 1st class relic of the saint.

This picture inspired me to pray to St. Philomena for personal needs.

Please click HERE for an article on the  Present Ecclesial Status of Devotion to Saint Philomena.

This week BC Catholic (Sept. 12 issue) has my 100th article for the Pax Sinica English-Chinese column.

I am launching a series of Catechetical articles on the Creed.

Please read this week introductory article on-line:

Please visit for all 100 articles.

You can search all the articles according to categories HERE. I will upload a new article on the Creed each week under the category of “Catechetical Series”.

Yesterday, September 8, was the Birthday of Our Lady. It was also the 13th anniversary of my entrance to the seminary.

It was a great joy for me to baptize, confirmed, and gave 1st Communion to Grandma Tam (譚婆婆) in Cantonese @ Our Lady of Fatima Parish.

The family & friends of Grandma Tam and some students of my Chinese Catechism class came to this joyous celebration.

Last weekend, I had the great joy to participate @ California Chinese Catholic Living Camp (CACCLC) with 83 young people.

I arrived @ San Francisco on Thursday, September 1. And I stayed @ Sts. Peter & Paul Parish for one night.

It was a great joy for me to meet Father Mario Rosso, and to pray with other Salesians in the chapel. Fr. Mario’s dedication and devotion were very inspiring!

The Living Camp began in the evening of Friday, September 2 @ Vallombrosa Center with Icebreaking activities.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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