I am very grateful for the first few weeks @ Precious Blood Parish.

From July 9 to July 12 I did trainings for the altar servers of the parish. From July 16 to July 20 there was a Bible Vacation Camp for children.

Summer time is a good time to plan for the new school year. On July 16, I joined the core members of the youth group for picnic to plan activities for the coming year. We also fed many birds.

Very happy to baptize 4 babies this month.

My first Baptism @ Precious Blood (July 14):

Baptism of the granddaughter of the parish secretary (July 21):

Baptism of 2 baby boys on July 28:

During the quiet summer time, I also enjoyed the visits of friends.

Family Rosary @ my family home in Vancouver (July 13 & 27):

Visit of Fr.

Just preached my first Sunday sermon @ Precious Blood during the anticipated 4:30 PM Mass.

Please click HERE to listen.

I became Pastor of Precious Blood Parish in Surrey (Cloverdale) on July 5.

I celebrated the Votive Mass of Precious Blood in the morning, praying for my ministry and for the parish.

Please click HERE to listen to my first sermon at Precious Blood.

After Mass, I recite the Act of Consecration of Parish to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Please click HERE for the formula.

My friends from different places came to attend the Mass, and we went out for lunch.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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