This is my first Pentecost Sunday @ Precious Blood Parish.

You can listen to my sermon recorded @ the Vigil Mass (May 18) HERE. You can also listen to the Chinese radio talk broadcasted last evening HERE.

This sermon and my other recorded sermons can be found at my personal site:

The Chinese radio recording and my other recorded radio talks can also be found at my site:

During the sermon, I mentioned the prayer composed by Blessed Maria of Jesus Crucified and the Litany of the Holy Spirit used by Blessed John Paul II.

Here is the prayer of Blessed Maria (in English & Chinese):

Holy Spirit, inspire me. Love of God, consume me. Along the true road, lead me.

I have been hosting prayer meetings in Vancouver in my spare time for more than 19 years. One of the participants of the Adult Catechism Class (RCIA) at my parish suggested me to start a prayer group in Surrey. We finally decided to meet twice a month on a Saturday evening (for the parish is usually very quiet on the 1st & 3rd Saturday evenings). This evening, we had our first gathering. Today (May18) is the birthday of Blessed John Paul II and the Vigil of Pentecost.

Celebrated Divine Marcy Sunday, 19th anniversary of prayer group, and my Chinese birthday @ family home on April 7

Baptism on April 13

Fundraising event for parish school @ Cloverdale on April 13. My prayer group members came to support the event, and purchased 5 tables.

April 19: Gave talk on Holy Eucharist at the Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit @ St. Anthony’s in Vancouver

New format for Friday youth and children group. Using the materials of K4J (Kids for Jesus).
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Please click image for information on Fr. Anthony's private prayer groups in English and Chinese
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
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