Since last year, someone used my name and photos to set up a FAKE account on Facebook. Recently the holder of that account aggressively sending out false messages asking for money. Fortunately, many people can tell immediately that it was not me. But I post the information here to warn others to watch out for the imposter. If you have been contacted by the imposter, please kindly let me know and also if you are in Canada, please kindly report him to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at

Below are the images of the FAKE account and the TRUE account. If you click on the images, you can reach the pages of the accounts.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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