Different Celebrations

Crowning of Mary

60th Anniversary of Ordination (May 30)

My own 8th Anniversary of Ordination (also on May 30)

1st Communion & Confirmation

Legion of Mary’s Anniversary

Baptisms on May 4, 10, 18, 24, 25 & 31, June 1 & 18 and July 6.

Baptisms on Dec. 7, Dec. 21, Dec. 28, Jan. 4, Feb.

Since Advent last year, I have been writing articles on the spiritual life base on the Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales.

I discovered a beautiful prayer today that is very suitable for the Visit of the Blessed Sacrament.

Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist, I adore Thee.

Sweet Companion of our exile, I adore Thee.

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, I adore Thee.

Heart solitary, Heart humiliated, I adore Thee.

Heart abandoned, Heart forgotten, I adore Thee.

Heart despised, Heart outraged, I adore Thee.

Heart ignored by men, I adore Thee.

Heart, Lover of our hearts, I adore Thee.

Heart pleading for love, I adore Thee.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
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