Happy to celebrate first Cantonese Mass today (October 7) at St. John the Apostle Parish. The first regular Cantonese Mass in Vancouver west side (every Saturday at 4 pm) 第一台溫哥華西區的固定廣東話彌撒(逢週六下午四時)

Parish website has been updated with our new schedule.

On July 13, I became the Pastor of St. John the Apostle Parish in the Kerrisdale area of Vancouver west side.

The address of the parish is 5457 Trafalgar St., Vancouver.

The parish phone number is 604-266-8800

Here is the parish website:


My personal email: fatheranthonyho@gmail.com

On July 13, I offered the Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and prayed the Act of Consecration of the Parish to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Please click image to visit my personal site: www.fatheranthonyho.com
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
Prayer Groups 祈禱會
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
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