Yesterday (May 30), I had the joy of celebrating the 12th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination with parishioners and prayer groups members.

We had Holy Hour (Adoration, Night Prayer, English-Cantonese Rosary, Taize hymns, and Benediction). After the Holy Hour, we had pot-luck dinner. During which, there was a presentation, followed by Divine Mercy and Blessing.

+ O Most Holy Trinity! As many times as I breathe, as many times as my heart beats, as

many times as my blood pulsates through my body, so many thousand times do I want to

glorify Your mercy.

+I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy and to be Your living reflection, O

Lord. May the greatest of all divine attributes, that of Your unfathomable mercy, pass

through my heart and soul to my neighbor.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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