For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Boniface.

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Dec. 19, 2022):

In Cantonese (recorded on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022):

You can review our past prayer meetings on my blog:


Below are some highlights of our last prayer group talk.

Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Dec. 17) for the 4th Sunday of Advent:

* The name Jesus means “salvation.” To “save from sin” is not the same as “save from the consequences of sin.” Jesus did not come merely to save us from hell but to save us from sinning. He came to enable us to live holy lives.

* The name ‘Emmanuel’ means ‘God with us’.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Bede the Venerable

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Dec.

Here are some highlights of my homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent:

* There will be a new exodus, and God will bring them out from the nations and return them to “Zion,” the holy city, their spiritual home. We call this the “new exodus” theme, and it runs throughout the book of Isaiah. Jesus says, “I AM the Way, the truth, and the life”. He is the path of the new exodus, on which the Twelve Tribes—embodied in the persons of his Twelve Apostles—will return to God.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Below are the audio recordings of our talk: "On St. John Climacus"

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Dec.

Highlights of my homily on the 1st Sunday of Advent

* The three comings of Christ—first, into the world in the past, at the first Christmas; and second, in his second coming at the end of the world; and third, into our souls and lives in the present, especially in the Eucharist.

* The First Reading and the Psalm present the Christian life as a “pilgrimage” to Zion. The Second Reading and Gospel present the Christian life as “wakefulness” and abstaining from sensual indulgence in this life.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Father Francis Ching is going to conduct Parish Mission at St. John the Apostle Parish (5457 Trafalgar St, Vancouver) tonight (Nov. 30) and tomorrow (Dec. 1). 

There will be Mass at 7 pm followed by a talk tonight. 

Tomorrow the Mass is in both English and Chinese. After the Mass, there is Adoration with Healing Prayers.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Below are the audio recordings of our talk: "On a Life of Retirement"

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Nov.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Father Francis Ching is going to conduct Parish Mission at St. John the Apostle Parish from Nov. 29 to Dec. 1 (Tue-Thur) There will be Mass at 7 pm followed by a talk on Nov. 29 & 30. Nov. 29 in Chinese and Nov. 30 in English. Dec. 1 is in both English and Chinese. After the Mass, there is Adoration with Healing Prayers.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Alphonsus' Reflections on "God alone".

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Nov.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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