Homily for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Jan. 28):
Just as Moses went up the Mountain and God gave the Ten Commandments to him, so we now read that Jesus goes up the Mountain and gives the Beatitudes to His disciples.Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: To be poor in spirit means that we realize our utter dependence on God for everything. Blessed are those who mourn: The sadness that the Scriptures esteem is the sadness of those who mourn the sinful condition of God’s people and resistance to God’s plan for the world.Blessed are the gentle: To be gentle is the ability to accomplish what is right without harming someone or their human dignity in the process.
Just as Moses went up the Mountain and God gave the Ten Commandments to him, so we now read that Jesus goes up the Mountain and gives the Beatitudes to His disciples.Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: To be poor in spirit means that we realize our utter dependence on God for everything. Blessed are those who mourn: The sadness that the Scriptures esteem is the sadness of those who mourn the sinful condition of God’s people and resistance to God’s plan for the world.Blessed are the gentle: To be gentle is the ability to accomplish what is right without harming someone or their human dignity in the process.