Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Jan. 28):

Just as Moses went up the Mountain and God gave the Ten Commandments to him, so we now read that Jesus goes up the Mountain and gives the Beatitudes to His disciples.Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: To be poor in spirit means that we realize our utter dependence on God for everything. Blessed are those who mourn: The sadness that the Scriptures esteem is the sadness of those who mourn the sinful condition of God’s people and resistance to God’s plan for the world.Blessed are the gentle: To be gentle is the ability to accomplish what is right without harming someone or their human dignity in the process.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,     

Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Odo and the Cluniac Reform.

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Jan.

Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Jan. 21):

In 2019 Pope Francis established The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time to be the Word of God Sunday. On the Third Sunday, we begin the sequential reading of the Gospel of the year.Jewish rabbis were normally chosen as mentors by interested students, not the other way around. Thus by taking the initiative to gather disciples to himself, the Messiah adopts a new and unconventional tactic.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,     

Below are the audio recordings of our talk on Saints Cyril & Methodius.

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Jan.

Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Jan. 14):

With this Sunday we begin the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time. Many of the saints referred to the daily chore as the place where holiness and love are most commonly witnessed rather than in heroic or exceptional moments.St.

Here are some highlights of my homily for Epiphany:

Today’s feast is called the “Epiphany,” a word that means “showing” or “revealing.”For years the wise men wandered looking for Jesus until they found Him. They were seekers who were not deterred by the lack of immediate results for their efforts. That is an important message for us because sometimes we can become frustrated in our faith life if we do not sense immediate results to our prayer or at least the effects of God’s presence.

For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Boniface.

I would like to invite those who were not able to join and those who want to review the talks to listen to the audio recordings:

In English (recorded on Monday, Jan.

Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Dec. 31) for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God:

Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)

*St. Louis de Montfort: For, in reality, the Rosary said without meditating on the sacred mysteries of our salvation would be almost like a body without a soul: excellent matter but without the form which is meditation—this latter being that which sets it apart from all other devotions.
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
Mary Immaculate and St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Us!!!
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