Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity:
- Today's Feast is like a prolongation of the "Glory Be".
- St John Paul II said that God is a very happy Family. So happy that God decided to share the happiness of that Family with us.
- God invites us to belong to it and we enter God's Family when we are baptized.
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906) was a young Carmelite mystic who bore witness to the indwelling of God. She was called “the prophet of the presence of God” and “the saint of the divine indwelling.”
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity wrote: “Let this be our motto: God in me, and I in him. What a joy is this presence within us in the intimate sanctuary of our souls; we can always find him there, even when, as far as feeling goes, we no longer perceive his presence! What do feelings matter? He is there all the same, maybe even closer. There is where I love to seek him! Oh, let us try never to leave him alone, so that our lives may be one continual prayer.” (Letters 47)
Below are the audio links to my homily.
In English:
In English:
In Cantonese:
You can access my recordings on this site (view files according to "Last modified" instead of "Name" might be easier to locate files):
God bless,
Father Anthony