5 Homilies about the Parts of Holy Mass
July 28 about the Introductory Rites of the Mass
In Cantonese:
August 4 about the Liturgy of the Word.
Easter Vigil at Canadian Martyrs Parish
Photos and videos taken during Easter Vigil at Canadian Martyrs Parish
Video of the Liturgy of the Light:
Video of the Easter Proclamation (Exsultet) in Chinese:
Photos and vi
Prayer Groups and Weekly Articles
On July 13, I became the Pastor of Canadian Martyrs Parish (CMCC) in Richmond.
On August 6, Feast of Transfiguration, our Archbishop celebrated my Installation Mass.
Homily for 13th Sunday Year A
Dear brothers and sisters,
I wish you a happy Canada Day!
Here are some of the main points of my homily this evening (July 1):
Relationship with Jesus must be the most important foundational relationship in their lives and all other relationships must be based on it.
St. Bridget of Sweden & Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on St. Bridget of Sweden & Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich.
Saint Juliana of Cornillon (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on Saint Juliana of Cornillon from this week.
In English (recorded on Monday, June 19, 2023):
Sts. Elizabeth of Hungary & Angela of Foligno (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on the Sts. Elizabeth of Hungary & Angela of Foligno from this week.
Homily for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity:
Today's Feast is like a prolongation of the "Glory Be".
St John Paul II said that God is a very happy Family. So happy that God decided to share the happiness of that Family with us.
Saint Clare of Assisi (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on the Saint Clare of Assisi from this week.
Sts. Matilda & Gertrude (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on the Sts. Matilda & Gertrude from this week.
In English (recorded on Monday, May 29, 2023):
Homily for Pentecost
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily this evening (May 27):
The Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church, the invisible soul of the visible Church. The Holy Spirit is to the Church what your soul is to your body: he is its very life.
Homily for Ascension
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily this evening (May 20):
Christ explicitly connects our command to evangelize with his own authority. He says, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Saint Hildegard of Bingen (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on the Saint Hildegard of Bingen from this week.
Prayer Group Talks from April 30 to May 7
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings on the Summa Theologiae.
Homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily this evening:
Love and obedience (law) are not opposites. Love is not first of all a feeling; it is a willing. To love God is simply to say, “Thy will be done,” and mean it, and live it.
Homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily this evening:
Jesus is the way. He does not only give advice and directions. He takes us by the hand and leads us; he strengthens us and guides us personally every day.
Homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily this evening:
“Good Shepherd Sunday”. Shepherding in the ancient Near East was a much more personal affair than in modern Western culture. In Eastern cultures, shepherds don’t “drive” the sheep; they lead them.
St. Thomas Aquinas on Faith and Grace (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Thomas Aquinas on Faith and Grace.
Homily for 3rd Sunday of Easter
Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for the many messages these few days since the announcement of the pastoral appointments.
St. Thomas Aquinas' Teachings on Prayer (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Thomas Aquinas' Teachings on Prayer.
St. Thomas Aquinas (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Thomas Aquinas.
St. Albert the Great (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Albert the Great.
Homily for Palm Sunday
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the main points of my homily for this evening (April 1, 2023):
St.Maria Faustina: March 21, 1937. Palm Sunday. During Mass, my soul was steeped in the bitterness and suffering of Jesus.
St. Bonaventure's Primacy of Love (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Bonaventure's Primacy of Love.
Homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent
Here are the main points of my homily this evening (March 25, 2023):
Our future must be determined by faith in Jesus and not governed by the certainty of death.When God makes a saint out of a sinner, or makes a greater saint out of a lesser one that is an even greater deed than raising a dead body
The Theology of History in St. Bonaventure (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on The Theology of History in St. Bonaventure.
Homily for the 4 Sunday of Lent
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (March 18, 2023):
The Gospel tells us that the man was blind from birth. Actually the Greek text says that he was blind from his “genesis”. That has a double meaning of both birth and creation.
Saint Bonaventure (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Bonaventure.
Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (March 11, 2023):
God’s will that the message of the Gospel should move outside the Jewish world and be presented to the rest of humanity including the Samaritans. The Gospel isn’t just for those who are like us, whomever that may be.
St. Anthony of Padua (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Anthony of Padua.
Homily for 2nd Sunday of Lent
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (March 4):
In all three years of the Lectionary cycle (A, B, C), the readings for the Second Sunday of Lent always pair a key pericope from the Abraham narrative (Gen 12–22
) with an account of the Transfiguration from one of the Synoptic Gospels.
St. Dominic (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Dominic.
Homily for 1st Sunday of Lent
Here are some highlights of my homily for the 1 Sunday of Lent this evening (Feb. 25):
Satan is not tempting Jesus to deny His identity but rather to prove Himself in a way that goes against obedience to the Father’s will.
The Mendicant Orders and St. Francis (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on The Mendicant Orders and St. Francis Review.
Homily for 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening:
Love does not retaliate
Jesus offers a different way of breaking the cycle of violence that is based on non-retaliation rather than limited response.Jesus addresses a variety of ways in which disciples are called to be
St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
Homily for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some highlights of my homily past weekend:
* Jesus calls us to pursue greater righteousness and to not settle for conforming to the world around us.
* Commitment to Jesus means more than just confession of faith (v. Jam 2:18).
The Three Hail Marys Devotion for Salvation
Practise: Recite morning and evening the Consecration and Three Hail Marys in honour of the three great privileges of Mary, together with the invocation at the end of each Hail Mary.
Saint Anselm (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on Saint Anselm.
Homily for 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here are some highlights of my homily this weekend on Salt and Light.
Light and salt both have disinfectant and preservative properties. The Church as “light” and “salt” refers to her role to identify and counteract sin and so to preserve society from total decay and dissolution.
St. Peter Damian (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Peter Damian.
Homily for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Jan.
St. Odo and the Cluniac Reform (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on St. Odo and the Cluniac Reform.
Homily for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here are some highlights of my homily this evening (Jan. 21):
In 2019 Pope Francis established The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time to be the Word of God Sunday.
Saints Cyril and Methodius (Prayer Group Talk)
For more information on Father Anthony's Fatima Prayer Group please visit:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Below are the audio recordings of our talk on Saints Cyril & Methodius.